Forever Clear BBL is a cutting-edge treatment that uses BroadBand Light that helps treat the actual cause of acne, without the use of any creams or medication. Forever Clear BBL is a great option for teens and adults who struggle with active acne and can be performed on most areas of the body. Patients typically experience:

  • Reduction in active acne

  • Decrease in future outbreaks

  • Smaller pore size

  • Even skin tone

  • Reduction in skin redness and irritation 

What areas can be treated?

While any area of the body can be treated, common areas include the face, neck and back.

What to expect during your Forever Clear BBL treatment:

A BSHA practitioner will place protective glasses or a shield to protect your eyes. You may feel a quick, warm sensation as the light absorbs into the targeted areas. Most patients will notice that the areas treated appear red or discolored, but these effects will disappear after a few days. There is zero downtime with a Forever Clear BBL treatment. Most patients see immediate results after one treatment, but treatment time and the total number of treatments will vary from patient to patient.