MORPHEUS8 Treatments in Birmingham, MI

Morpheus8 is a fractional skin treatment that stimulates collagen production of the underlying layers of the dermis. By targeting the deeper layers of the skin, tissues of the face and body can be remodeled to reveal a more radiant, youthful appearance. This anti aging skin treatment done in our Birmingham salon uses microneedling and RF energy, two skin rejuvenation treatments that are proven to be effective.

Almost any area of the body can be treated with Morpheus8, however the most common are the face, periorbital area, abdomen, thighs, legs and buttocks.

What to expect during your Morpheus8 treatment at our Birmingham center:

Microneedling skin treatments typically last 15 to 60 minutes, depending on the size of the area to be treated. BSHA practitioners can administer a localized numbing cream to help with any discomfort. Morpheus8 provides a deep radiofrequency heat delivered by microneedles that can be customized to reach different dermal layers.

Results are typically visible within a few days, but typically appear after three weeks. Improvements continue up to three months after treatment. Learn more about our Morpheus8 treatment at Birmingham Skin & Hair Aesthetics!