MOXI Laser Treatments in Birmingham, MI

MOXI laser treatments are gentle yet effective procedures for patients looking to rejuvenate their complexion, prevent signs of aging and correct signs of sun damage. It delivers non-ablative laser technology that can be used on all skin tones.

Win the battle against visible signs of aging

  • Through its use of a non-ablative, fractionated wavelength, MOXI delivers dramatic tonal and textural improvements to your face with little to no downtime, as it features a gentle non-ablative laser that corrects pigmentation issues.


  • Preventative. The MOXI laser treatments in our Birmingham salon use non-ablative lasers specifically designed to correct the initial signs of sun damage and aging without downtime.

What areas can be treated?

While any area of the body can be treated, common areas include the face, neck, back of the hands and chest.

What to expect during your MOXI laser treatment:

A Birmingham Skin & Hair Aesthetics practitioner will place protective glasses or a shield to protect your eyes. You may feel a quick, warm sensation as the light absorbs into the targeted areas. Most patients will notice that the areas treated appear red or, but these effects will disappear after a few days.